-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- [This is a copy of a message sent to a list elsewhere, re-signed because the original signature covered the quotes at the top, which I removed for use here.] >> [quotes I have no permission to send here, removed] > [more quotes ditto] My opinion too. SORBS refuses to say where I must avoid connecting to to avoid being attacked by them[%]. They try to impose an acceptance of testing as a condition of connecting, without providing any means for the connecting party to discover that the peer thinks this "bargain" is in place in time to decline the deal - and using protocols that do not include any way to negotiate such conditions in normal use. And that makes what they do abuse, in my book. SORBS: you do not have permission to attack - whether or not you call it "test" - any host in my network, ARIN block RODENTS-BLK2 ( Please take whatever measures are necessary to ensure this. This may mean adding them to a "never test" list, it may mean having the feeder hosts refuse connections - whatever it takes. I reject your attempts to respin your abuse into acceptable behaviour, same as I did the eu.org folks (who took about five rounds of "that sort of behaviour is *NOT* acceptable here!" before they went "oh, duh, you mean you don't want us to do that?", furrfu!). For confirmation, you can contact the netblock contact, or you can note that this message is signed with the PGP key whose fingerprint has been in my signature approximately forever. (The key itself is in ftp.rodents.montreal.qc.ca:/ftp/mouse/misc/pgp-key-mouse@rodents.montreal.qc.ca and I think may be in a keyserver somewhere too - id D760BF75.) I will be sending a copy of this (with the quotes above removed) to support@sorbs.net. /~\ The ASCII der Mouse \ / Ribbon Campaign X Against HTML mouse@rodents.montreal.qc.ca / \ Email! 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B [%] Yes, I've read the message in which Mat says "SORBS is me". I speak of SORBS as plural above because that is the canonical way to speak of an organization impersonally. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: latin1 iQCVAwUBQjO6FdiXPKPXYL91AQG0LAP/Xe6ZC4uRlF5yaKaVtZjSMFEgKaJ4KP/i kVZfkgwZ06Qn6b0/bzI5/X3z8r3wL5qlieIfWid5iEkvU8IoDK/X4zfcv+e+MHKS cgUGRk9tlcaxWZal8UQ1FjVZ/G62ld7XqHj48wpp39+ekX5AVTgRCafWmdGhUYSm FEykiRCauNs= =NRY4 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----